The movement to change America's direction with Light Shining Actions that lift Christ throughout culture.
Millions of everyday Americans agree that our nation’s direction needs to change, yet with frustration they're asking, “But what can I do about it?” Truth Movement USA™ exists to empower, connect, and coordinate those Americans.
Mission Statement
Help equip 100 million everyday Christians with Light Shining Actions so that no one will ever say, “But what can I do to make a difference?” You are the light of the world. Never hide your light; let it shine for everyone to see. (Matthew 5:14-16)
Where We Are Today
The book / strategic plan has been completed and we’ve finished prototype development for the Web Hub and Action Center. We are currently working with prospective Alliance Partners and financial supporters to develop relationships and secure funding for our first two years of operations (budget link in table below). Once adequate financial support has been raised, we will begin hiring the key personnel necessary to bring the full-featured Web Hub and Action Center to the 100 million everyday Americans who want to make a difference.